Jun 1, 2011 with 2 Comment(s)
hello ? salamualaikum. well here, i wanna make a short entry. okay guys, i will not update my blog or online my facebook from tomorrow until 5th or 6th June. i'm going to KELANTAN ! haha sat gi nak bertolak, sebelum tuh sempat lagi aku post mende nih hehe :P so i hope, you guys do not forget about my blog or the author. HAHA is there anyone who want to follow me going to kelantan ? lets go bebeh~ hahathe last setence that i wanna said, GOODBYE IPOH~ HELLO KELANTAN i miss you. haha byebye nyah, jangan rindu2 gua okay ? doakan gua selamat sampai sana. ok guys, maaf kalau ada terkasar bahasa tertusuk jiwa.. semua adalah gurauan semata mata :) salamualaikum, dan selamat pagi :D
p/s : jangan korang ngutuk2 blog aku masa aku takde ! T-T